6 Facts about cheese

What is cheese?

Cheese is a dairy product that is produced in a wide variety of flavours, textures, and coagulation of the milk protein, known as casein. It is made up of proteins and fats from cow, buffalo, goat, or sheep milk. During cheese production, the milk is acidified and the rennet enzymes are added to it for its coagulation to take place effectively. The curd solids are then separated from the whey liquid and compressed into the final form. The styles, textures, and flavours of the cheese depend upon the origin of milk, whether they have been pasteurized or not, its butterfat content, it’s processing, and for how long it has been aged.

Cheese Calories

Here are some facts about cheese calories, cheese contains fat and protein and a very low percentage of calories from carbohydrates. Although milk and cheese have almost the same nutritional content, cheese has a higher calorie density. The fat-to-protein ratio depends upon the type of cheese, the animal from which the milk was derived, and whether it is full-fat or skimmed milk. Compared to natural cheeses, processed kinds of cheeses contain more sodium and saturated fat. The calories present in swiss cheese are usually the same as in typical cheeses. On the other hand, cream cheeses have high-fat content in them, but the low-fat versions have fewer calories present in them. Frankly speaking, cheese benefits are immense.

Cheese benefits.

1. Prevents osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by fragile and porous bones. It is one of the leading causes of cancers and the cause can be associated with poor absorption of calcium by the body which slowly causes the bones to break down. The solution is the uptake of balanced nutrition. You need to consume adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and protein daily. The consumption of cheese daily can provide your body with the correct balance of vitamins and minerals.

2. Cheese has a good effect on dental health:

Eating cheese can help you with dental cavities, says a report by dental officials. Fact about cheese, it states the reasons being that certain constituents of cheese adhered themselves to the teeth that protected the enamel from getting eroded by the action of acids. And also, bones and teeth are made up of the same substance. If cheese is beneficial for your bones, it’ll surely be beneficial for your bones as well.

3. Cheese can help you gain healthy weight

Cheese is a great option for gaining weight healthily and naturally. It is a very energy-dense eatable, containing a lot of calories per gram. Try to balance your cheese consumption with low energy-dense foods like fruits, to gain a healthy weight naturally.

4. High in vitamin B12:

Also known as cobalamin, Vitamin B12 is the most complex vitamin known to humans to date. It helps in the production of red blood cells, proteins, and DNA and performs many vital mental functions of the body. This essential vitamin can only be found naturally in animal-based products, such as cheese. Thus, cheese’s health benefits are immense.

5. Cheese lowers blood pressure:

According to reports, a diet rich in dairy products is usually associated with lower blood pressure. Pairing low-sodium cheeses with potassium-rich eatables can effectively lower your blood pressure and reduce hypertension.

Cheese side effects.

We usually add cheese to everything from burgers to pizzas but do you know what effect excess cheese can have on your body? A few facts about cheese state, it can cause gas and bloat in some people, and in the long term, it can put you at an increased risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. 

You can get diarrhoea:

If you are a lactose intolerant person, then the overconsumption of dairy products can cause you serious discomfort because the cheese inside your body cannot be broken down and is instead fermented in the gut by the bacteria present inside the gut which can lead to diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Can lead to dehydration:

Not drinking enough water or other liquids can lead to dehydration. But, eating foods high in sodium can also cause dehydration. The symptoms include headache and decreased urination. Also, the high sodium diet can raise the levels of your blood pressure and the saturated fat present in it increases the amounts of bad cholesterol in the body which can prove to be very harmful afterwards.

Can cause bloating:

People who struggle with digesting dairy products tend to get bloated within a span of 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you are facing bloating even after consuming little amounts of cheese, try mixing or switching the varieties of cheese that you are consuming. This may be easier to digest for your body and can cause fewer side effects.

Is cheese good for your health?

In general, cheese is a good source of calcium, fats, and proteins for the body. It is also rich in vitamin A and vitamin B12, along with zinc, phosphorus, and riboflavin. Other facts about cheese are; cheese manufactured from the milk of 100% grass-fed animals is said to be the highest in nutrients and contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin k2, which is highly beneficial for the human body.

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